I have unfortunate news. News that even I am having a hard time coming to terms with. It seems that my taste buds have been destroyed. Well, perhaps not destroyed, more like sucked into a black hole of delectable sensations, and now they cannot be repaired. I have made perhaps one of the greatest, most amazing mistakes of my life and there is no turning back.
Last Thursday night my uncle took me out to dinner. Not just any dinner. Dinner at The Ledbury. Now just a week ago I had no idea what The Ledbury was. I found the London-based gem after hours of online research. It is a two-star restaurant (my first!) boasting a heavenly menu of contemporary British cuisine. My uncle's job followed by making a reservation, getting us there on time and settling the bill...all and all a win-win situation.

Taking the latest and only reservation available, we promptly arrived at the quaint local at 10pm. The fifteen or so tables rested under the glow of soft lighting, each surrounded by men in Armani suits and women in Louboutins, quietly discussing business deals or wedding plans. We were escorted to a four-top nestled in the corner overlooking the place, so far so perfect. Our waiter, Stephen, who we ended up befriending, smiled, handed us menus and gave us a quick over-view of what we were about to experience.
Each course came with a pre-course. We began with bite-sized foie gras - sweet, rich and creamy. Heaven sent. I had already considered busting into the kitchen, marching right up to the chef, getting down on one knee and proposing. In order to curb my completely rational urges, I focused my attention on the first course, in particular my uncle's dish. He ordered the Flame Grilled Mackerel, it was served with a tartar of sorts in a small, compact roll. That's when the taste buds started to go. No longer would pizza of any kind, not even that of Delphina status, suffice.
As the dishes were cleared, the waitered giggled as we gushed over the food, eagerly awaiting the next course. Now this was the course that I would have sold my soul for. It was lobster. Not just any lobster, the best lobster I have ever had. Lobster seasoned with butter and Indian spices. It literally melted as it touched my lips, each flavor exploding, branding my mouth forever. The last bite was enough encouragement for me to ask Stephen if I could in fact marry the chef, he said I still had a chance, as the chef was only engaged....lucky lady.
I didn't fully realize how lucky she was until the dessert arrived. So I don't really have words to describe how fulfilling the Caramelized Banana Galette with Salted Caramel was, this much I can say, I will NEVER forget it. Crispy, sweet, savory, warm, mouthwatering. The point of no return. My taste buds entered a state of euphoria.
A shot of espresso, some good conversation with Stephen and a very full stomach later we left The Ledbury two hours after we had arrived. My life way changed for ever. I am damaged goods. Zuma's langostine, Nobu's tartar, not even Babbo's linguine can bring me back. I mean even the water tasted better at The Ladbury.
That enlightened state that the Dali Lama is always going on about...I reached it and I must say I am very attached.
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